Hear Two New Smashing Pumpkins Songs Off Their Forthcoming Double Album

Written by on 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The Smashing Pumpkins are continuing to tease us in twos, sharing another double-whammy of new music off their forthcoming double album CYR.
They’ve unveiled two news songs ahead of the 20-tracker’s big release on November 27th, entitled ‘Confessions of a Dopamine Addict’ and ‘Wrath’.

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The first is a plodding eighties synth-powered ballad with theatrical vocals not too dissimilar from My Chemical Romance, while the second is a little more upbeat but keeps the retro electronics pumping. You can stream both below.
They follow on from the release of the double-disc’s first two cuts, ‘The Colour Of Love’ and title track ‘CYR’.
To boot, frontman Billy Corgan has also shared the first two episodes of his new five-part animated series, In Ashes, which invites viewers on a “fantastical and surreal sci-fi adventure” set to be soundtracked by The Smashing Pumpkins’ new album.
You can check those out below as well.

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RELATED:  The Smashing Pumpkins Officially Announce Details Around New Album ‘Cyr’

The post Hear Two New Smashing Pumpkins Songs Off Their Forthcoming Double Album appeared first on Music Feeds.

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