Splendour’s Sister Festival ‘Spin Off’ Announces 2019 Lineup

Written by on 12 Απριλίου 2019

Spin Off Festival, Adelaide’s answer to Splendour In The Grass, announced just last week that it’d be hitting up the showgrounds on Friday 19th July — and now, we have a lineup too.
Headlining this year’s lineup are international gems, Childish Gambino and Catfish And The Bottlemen.
Joining them are Aussie favourites and triple j frequenters Ball Park Music, Ocean Alley, and Wolf Alice, along with Hockey Dad, Mallrat, Ruby Fields, Kwame, and Kian.

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Sharing a chunk of Splendour’s lineup, Spin Off is a neat backup plan for those who missed out on tickets. Splendour (of course) sold out within hours of tickets going on sale despite an extra 7,500 tickets getting splashed about this year.
Splendour In The Grass is gearing up for another big one in July too and has announced its day-by-day lineups.
Last year’s Spin Off Festival saw Skeggs added to the lineup as a late arrival, and organisers say there’s a triple j Unearthed winner to join the lineup too.
Spin Off 2019 Lineup
Childish Gambino
Catfish And The Bottlemen
Ball Park Music
Ocean Alley
Wolf Alice
Hockey Dad
Ruby Fields
Spin Off 2019
Tickets on sale 10am ACST Tuesday 16 April
Friday, 19th July
Adelaide Showground, Adelaide
Tickets: Official Website
The post Splendour’s Sister Festival ‘Spin Off’ Announces 2019 Lineup appeared first on Music Feeds.

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