Pavement Are Reuniting In 2020 For Their 30th Anniversary

Written by on 3 Ιουνίου 2019

Beautiful news for fans of indie rock music and Pavement, in particular.
Easily one of the most influential bands of the genre, the American five-piece have announced two exclusive shows to celebrate the band’s 30th anniversary in 2020. Unfortunately, Australia is not on the itinerary, however if you’re keen to see Pavement back in full force and Spain has been on your bucket list of places to visit, then Primavera Sound has your name on it.
Reunion rumours were circulating at this year’s Primavera festival over the weekend, before the news was confirmed by the band. The shows will be happening at Primavera Sound Barcelona and NOS Primavera Sound Porto from June 4th – 6th.

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Frontman Stephen Malkmus talked about the idea of a Pavement reunion with Rolling Stone‘s Music Now podcast recently, having warmed to the concept of touring again. “If there’s interest, you know, that’s always a factor. If people are really psyched about it, I’d be psyched about it too. So we’ll see.”
The last time Pavement reformed was back in 2009 but largely, the band members have been marching to the beat of their own drums; Stephen Malkmus notably, has been successful with his band The Jicks, while guitarist Scott Kannberg and his Spiral Stairs project has also seen acclaim.
The news also came as Primavera Sound announced their plans to expand into the American market, with an event planned for Los Angeles next year.

The post Pavement Are Reuniting In 2020 For Their 30th Anniversary appeared first on Music Feeds.

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