Frank Iero Addresses My Chemical Romance Reunion Rumours, Calls The Jonas Brothers “A Disney Band”

Written by on 25 Ιουλίου 2019

Last month, Joe Jonas of The Jonas Brothers seemingly leaked a My Chemical Romance reunion. In a radio interview, the band’s Joe Jonas told interviewers that “My Chemical Romance were apparently rehearsing next to us in New York recently,” Jonas revealed. “I thought they broke up, so I don’t know…that’s the gossip!”
Predictably, fans went wild with the possibility of MCR – who broke up back in 2013 – reforming. After all, who doesn’t dream of seeing ‘Helena’ or ‘Famous Last Words’ again?
Well, wishful thinking notwithstanding, former My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero has quashed the rumours, and also taken a swipe at Jonas.

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During an appearance on the Zach Sang show, Iero denied that the band were reforming, but didn’t entirely count it either, saying “I survived a bus accident, so anything is possible.”
On the subject of Mr. Jonas, Iero had this to say:  “I don’t understand why you would do an interview about your band and talk about someone else’s band.”
“I think they’re trying to rebrand their band as a real rock band and they’re trying to mention as many rock bands and trying to get like synonymous with other things and people aren’t gonna forget that you’re a Disney band bro. Sorry, it’s not gonna happen.”
Bloody brutal.
You can watch the full interview with Iero below. The conversation regarding the reunion rumours starts riiiight at the end of the interview, at around the one hour and 10 minutes mark.

The post Frank Iero Addresses My Chemical Romance Reunion Rumours, Calls The Jonas Brothers “A Disney Band” appeared first on Music Feeds.

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