Chris Adler Lost His Megadeth Drum Kit In A Van Fire
Written by A on 26 Ιουλίου 2019
It was announced last week that drummer, Chris Adler was parting ways with Lamb of God after a whopping 25 years. Now, we’ve learned that Chris Adler has also recently lost the drum kit he used to record his parts in Megadeth’s Dystopia.
Metalcore band Betraying The Martyrs suffered a pretty serious car accident a couple of weeks ago. No one was injured but their van caught fire, they lost all of their gear along with some personal possessions. Among the items in the fire though, was the drum kit Chris Adler used during his time with Megadeth.
Betraying The Martyrs’ vocalist, Aaron Matts, said in an interview with the Talk Toomey podcast, “The drum kit that we were using was actually Chris Adler’s drum kit that was used to record on Megadeth’s album.”
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Chris Adler had leant the drum kit to them as their band manager. When Matts was asked about breaking the news to Adler he said, “‘Yeah, listen, Chris, you know that really awesome drum kit that you gave us to do the tour? Yeah well it’s gone now.’ I didn’t [make that call]. I was like, ‘Shotgun not me’.”
“We’re all shaken by what has happened this morning,” said the band in a statement about the fire. “We’re well but very heartbroken that all we have worked hard to accumulate over the years, both in musical equipment, and personal belongings has been lost in a matter of minutes.
“I’m grateful that we have our health, each other, and were able to walk away with the clothes on our backs. We are extremely sorry to have missed another opportunity to play for those that we’re looking forward to see us. We’ll bounce back and we’ll see you soon. Thank you.”
The post Chris Adler Lost His Megadeth Drum Kit In A Van Fire appeared first on Music Feeds.