Laneway Festival Reveal 2020 Dates Venues & Lineup Reveal Date

Written by on 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

A few days back, the good people at St Jerome’s Laneway Festival announced that the Sydney leg of the touring festival would this year have a new location. Moving from its decade-long home at the Sydney College of the Arts in Rozelle, the 2020 Sydney leg of the festival will now take place at The Domain.
Today, they’ve backed up that announcement with the full run of dates and venues where you can catch Laneway Festival around the country next year.
Kicking things off in Auckland at the end of January, the festival will head to Brisbane Showgrounds on the 1st of February before heading to The Domain the next day, and wrapping things up the next week with Port Adelaide, Melbourne and Fremantle on the 9th.

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The 2020 lineup will be announced at 8am next Wednesday 18, September so watch this space. You can register for presale here.
ST JEROME’S LANEWAY FESTIVAL 2020Monday, 27th January
Albert Park, Auckland
Saturday, 1st February
Brisbane Showgrounds, Brisbane
Sunday, 2nd February
The Domain, Sydney
Friday, 7th February
Harts Mill, Port Adelaide
Saturday, 8th February
Footscray Park, Melbourne
Sunday, 9th February
Esplanade Reserve & West End, Fremantle

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