The NSW Government’s Music Festival Regulations Have Just Been Voted Down

Written by on 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

The NSW Upper House has today voted to disallow the NSW government’s speedily-introduced music festival regulations, with music industry bodies welcoming the opportunity for a fresh start on improving safety as music festivals in the state.
The regulations implemented by the Coalition Government have been criticised for being “hastily developed”, and have been blamed for multiple festivals in New South Wales being forced to cancel.
The motion had been recommended by the Legislative Council Regulation Committee in a report presented last month, with the inquiry into the regulations arguing that they were implemented without consultation or involvement with the industry, and recommending they be scrapped.

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Shadow Minister John Graham supported the recommendations of the inquiry, calling on the government to set up a regulatory roundtable to work hand-in-hand with the industry.
“The Government can now sit down with the industry for some constructive consultation on ways to improve patron safety at music festivals, including steps to reduce drug-related harm,” commented Evelyn Richardson, Chief Executive of Live Performance Australia, about the regulations’ disallowance.
“From the outset, we have repeatedly expressed our strong desire to work collaboratively with government on our shared commitment to safer festivals.
“Genuine collaboration with industry representatives who have decades of experience in running safe and successful festivals is the best way to promote the safety of festival patrons, while also ensuring NSW continues to enjoy the economic and cultural benefits from a dynamic and diverse music festival industry.”

The House has agreed to disallow both music festival regulations (Division 21 to 18)
— Legislative Council (@nsw_upperhouse) September 26, 2019

The post The NSW Government’s Music Festival Regulations Have Just Been Voted Down appeared first on Music Feeds.

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