Watch The Final Ever BoJack Horseman Trailer And Get Ready To Feel Some Feelings

Written by on 16 Ιανουαρίου 2020

The second half of BoJack Horseman‘s final season is coming to Netflix later this month. We now have the animated series’ last ever trailer, and frankly, I’m already stocking up the Kleenex boxes.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I look back at that other BoJack and I think, who is that?” monologues the show’s protagonist in the clip.
“I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath.”
Overall, the trailer seems… cautiously optimistic? Hopeful, even? The relatively brief clip acknowledges the difficult journey BoJack has taken since the series began back in 2014, and looking at the road ahead, which sees BoJack settle into his teaching job at Wesleyan University.
We also see glimpses of other BoJack staples like Diane, Todd, Mr. Peanutbutter and Princess Carolyn.
Over the course of its six seasons, BoJack Horseman has garnered a ton of praise for its handling of topics like mental health, addiction, intergenerational trauma, so it’ll be interesting to see how the series draws to a close over half a decade later.
Watch the trailer below. The final episodes of BoJack Horseman will arrive on Netflix Friday, 31st January.

The post Watch The Final Ever BoJack Horseman Trailer And Get Ready To Feel Some Feelings appeared first on Music Feeds.

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