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Comedian and Brooklyn Nine-Nine favourite Chelsea Peretti has released her second EP for the year, a collection titled Phosphorescent Panic that follows on from her Foam and Flotsom EP back in April. In addition to the five tracks on the previous EP, Phosphorescent Panic includes five new tracks with a host of new collaborators. ‘EXPRESSO’ features Big Mouth‘s Nick Kroll along with […]

“Loyalty is really important to us,” say the band, after being let down by their “inner circle”. Source

This is the second year in a row that the wrestler-turned-actor has been declared the top earner. Source

Tropical Fuck Storm have shared their second single for the year, ‘Legal Ghost’. It’s a reworking of a track band member Gareth Liddiard originally wrote and recorded in the late ’90s as part of his Bong Odyssey project with original Drones bassist Rui Pereira. The collection was recently reissued via TFS Records/Bang!, and Liddiard says […]

The Federal Government has unveiled details around its $75 million RISE (Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand) Fund to help “reactivate” the arts and entertainment sector. Federal Arts Minister Paul Fletcher yesterday announced guidelines around the package, which is part of the government’s larger $250 million arts recovery package for Australia’s creative economy, announced back […]

ICYMI: Aussie music is back on our free-to-air TV screens thanks to The Sound, ABC‘s fresh weekly, hour-long series that puts the nation’s most exciting artists through exclusive, pre-recorded live performances, collabs and interviews. The show has just lifted the lid on this week’s instalment and, as per usual, it is STACKED. PB = PB || {}; […]

Will Smith’s beloved 1990s sitcom is coming back in a hard-hitting reboot. Source

Tony Soprano may have loved Journey, but the man who played him was all about that Bay Area punk rock. According to fellow Sopranos star Michael Imperioli (AKA Christopher Moltisanti) James Gandolfini frothed Green Day, and more specifically, their 1994 album Dookie. PB = PB || {}; PB.gptStandAlone = PB.gptStandAlone || {}; PB.gptAutoRefresh = PB.gptAutoRefresh […]

If you haven’t seen Saturday Night Live‘s cooked 2010 action-comedy MacGyver spoof starring Will Forte, Kristen Wiig, Val Kilmer and Ryan Phillippe — MacGruber — then shut your butt and watch it right now because you’re missing out on some high-octane lols. PB = PB || {}; PB.gptStandAlone = PB.gptStandAlone || {}; PB.gptAutoRefresh = PB.gptAutoRefresh || […]

Diddy, Timbaland and Ty Dolla $ign have banded together with over 100 other prominent Black male celebs to urge Democratic US presidential hopeful Joe Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate for the 2020 election. In an open letter published in the Atlanta Daily World, the artists and entertainers cautioned that “failing to […]

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