Bad//Dreems Announce ‘Double Dreaming’ National Tour Dates

Written by on 4 Ιουνίου 2019

Bad//Dreems are hitting the road off the back of their rowdy new punk slice ‘Double Dreaming’.
They’ve announced a fistful of East Coast headlining dates across June & July in honour of the single, which precedes their yet-to-be-named third studio album due out in October.
The tour will see the Adelaide-bred rabble rousers hit venues in Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, in addition to their slot at Wollongong’s Yours & Owls Festival this October.

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Listen to ‘Double Dreaming’ — and catch Bad//Dreems’ full list of tour dates — below.

Bad//Dreems 2019 Tour Dates
Tickets on sale now
Thursday, 4th July
The Foundry, Brisbane
Tickets: Facebook
Saturday, 6th July
Lion Arts Factory, Adelaide
Tickets: Facebook
Friday, 12th July
Howler, Melbourne
Tickets: Facebook
Saturday, 13th July
Marrickville Bowling Club, Sydney
Tickets: Facebook
Also appearing at Yours & Owls Festival 2019
The post Bad//Dreems Announce ‘Double Dreaming’ National Tour Dates appeared first on Music Feeds.

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