BIGSOUND Reveals 2019 Dates & Some Massive Changes
Written by A on 8 Απριλίου 2019
Aussie music’s week of weeks, BIGSOUND, is gearing up for its 2019 run and now the legends behind the event have announced some key details about what’s going down this year.
First of all, we know when BIGSOUND 2019 will be happening – Tuesday, 3rd – Friday, 6th September. It will return to its home of Fortitude Valley’s live music precinct, with the year’s theme being ‘The Artist as CEO.’
However, one notable venue change is that of where the event hosts their conferences. 2019 will see the conference home move from the Judith Wright Centre to the iconic venue Cloudland.
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According to BIGSOUND executive programmer Maggie Collins, the venue move will allow for a ton more flexibility.
“Over the years, BIGSOUND has changed, with networking, workshops and other events becoming far more integral to the event, so making the move to Cloudland will give more programming flexibility as well as bringing the conference events closer to the live music that is at the heart of BIGSOUND,” Collins said in a statement.
What’s more important, though, is that artist applications for the 2019 run are now open. BIGSOUND showcases over 150 artists over three massive nights all across Fortitude Valley, and with alumni like Flume, Courtney Barnett, Tash Sultana, Gang Of Youths and RÜFÜS DU SOL, it’s an opportunity any artist would kill to have.
Tickets for BIGSOUND 2019 are available now.
Tuesday, 3rd – Friday, 6th September
Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Tickets: Official Website
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