Azealia Banks

On the third week of 2021, the universe has delivered us a truly chaotic meeting of the minds, with Kyle and Jackie O interviewing Azealia Banks regarding the whole cat debacle. In case you missed it (lucky you), Azealia Banks came under fire after she filmed herself digging up her deceased cat and boiling its […]

Day 12 of 2021: Azealia Banks cooks her fucking cat. — Big Daddy-O. (@The_Real_Odera) January 12, 2021 Let’s reset our “Days since Azealia Banks’ last controversy” countdown to 0 because today, the US rapper has shared in a since-deleted series of Instagram videos, footage of her appearing to exhume the remains of her dead […]

In a time where most musicians are worried about their streaming numbers as the halt in touring has killed off a huge income stream, Azealia Banks has asked fans to stop streaming her debut album, Broke With Expensive Taste. Taking to Instagram over the weekend, Banks revealed that she doesn’t receive any money or royalties from […]

Another day, another ‘Azealia Banks is causing controversy online once again’ story. The target this time? Anti-HIV medication PrEP and, in a bit of a sidebar, Frank Ocean. This all started following the announcement of Frank Ocean’s new queer club night, titled PrEP+ and taking its namesake from the medication. While the night itself has drawn all […]

Full-time shit-stirrer/part-time rapper Azealia Banks has found herself a new target for her merciless shade throwing this week, and that target is fellow rapper Lizzo. Why? Because Lizzo just hit #1 on the Hot 100 with ‘Truth Hurts’. Taking to Instagram, Banks unleashed on Lizzo in a completely unwarranted and offensive attack, referring to her […]

Lana Del Rey and Azealia Banks, who were once good friends, have now turned on each other in a bitter online feud, with the two exchanging a series of barbed tweets at one another today. After Del Rey criticised Kanye West on Instagram for some recent controversial statements and his support of Donald Trump, Banks […]

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