Double J

Our happiness is slowly creeping back with the news that Double J is replaying the  Hottest 100 of 2000 in full this month. That’s right, be still elder millennial beating hearts and get ready to ‘rip it up’, as Double J is bringing the Hottest 100 of 2000 in all of its turn-of-the-millennium weirdness back […]

Double J have gone ahead and ranked the best 50 Aussie debut albums and they’re counting them down on the station today and tomorrow. The whole month of September has seen Double J pay tribute to the humble debut album. Now, they’ve ranked the top 50, and are sharing the countdown with us. It’s kicking […]

There are plenty of Australian bands who delivered ground-breaking and era-defining debut albums. triple j‘s digital sister station is also set to listen back to songs from a stack of them as part of a 50 Best Australian Debut Album countdown later this month. PB = PB || {}; PB.gptStandAlone = PB.gptStandAlone || {}; PB.gptAutoRefresh […]

Ya pals at Double J are blessing Australia with Home School Of Rock. They’ve lined up some of Australia’s finest artists to teach you how to music. Who’s on the teaching team you ask? We’ve got Ngaiire, Olympia, Benny Walker, and L-Fresh The Lion. As for the curriculum? Learn to Harmonise with Ngaiire. Get familiar […]

Double J have today announced an Aussie music podcast that you’re going to want to listen to. It’s called ‘Inside The Big Day Out’ and it will look at the rise, the peak and the fall of the gone-but-not-forgotten Big Day Out festival. Gemma Pike will host the series, kicking off on Tuesday, 8th October, […]

A topic of hot contention over the past few weeks has been Double J’s somewhat controversial decision to allow fans to revote the 1998 Hottest 100. The revote comes at the 20th anniversary of the countdown, which has faced criticism in recent years for having the somewhat ‘gag’ song ‘Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)’ […]

In case you missed it, Double J is doing something completely unprecedented in allowing listeners to re-vote the controversial 1998 Hottest 100. It comes at the 20th anniversary of the countdown, and also likely in response into the backlash the countdown has received in the decades following due to The Offspring‘s ‘Pretty Fly (For A White […]

Just when you think you can’t re-write history, Double J come along and give you the chance to re-write what is deemed as one of the greatest Hottest 100 scandals of all time – centred around the 1998 Hottest 100 and its winner, The Offspring‘s ‘Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)’. Triple J‘s sister station […]

Triple J‘s older sister station Double J has handed down its verdict on the best 50 albums released in 2018. “Every single year, we gush about what an incredible 12 months of music we’ve been blessed to enjoy. And we will continue to do so. Because music is important. Albums are important,” presenters write. “These […]

As triple j announced the details of its Hottest 100 of 2018 this morning, its more mature sibling Double J revealed it will replay the Hottest 100 of 1998 in January 2019. After triple j drops its listeners’ 100 favourite songs of 2018 on Sunday, 27th January 2019, Double J will relive the 1998’s biggest […]

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