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Melbourne pop artist Max Lawrence is traversing new and exciting territory with his latest single ‘Gasoline’, and now he’s dropped an even more exciting video. The video is a technicolour Wonka-land, jolting between absurdism, horror and humour so quickly it’ll give you whiplash – in the best way possible. It juxtaposes with the song, which […]
Many of us can link a certain album to pivotal moments in our lives. Whether it’s the first record you bought with your own money, the chord you first learnt to play on guitar, the song that soundtracked your first kiss, the album that got you those awkward and painful pubescent years or the one […]
“RVG are the best band in Melbourne.” I saw this lofty claim in a tweet from a Melbourne-based musician and radio DJ sometime in 2016. It might seem like a trivial bit of enthusiasm, but Melbourne music acolytes don’t make these sorts of assertions without serious consideration. So who were RVG? The band – whose […]
Essentially the entire world is undergoing an unprecedented period of isolation at the moment. People are spending much more time confined in their own house while also having to find things to entertain themselves and ways to pass the time now they’re unable to socialise how we were once able to. One way people are […]
There’s no way around it, our world has been turned upside down these past few months as the world grapples with trying to slow the spread of coronavirus. Social gatherings are a no-go, live events have been put on an extended hiatus and those of us who aren’t working daily on the frontlines battling this […]
When it came time to create a video for their new indie-dance banger ‘I’ll Do What U Want’, Sydney-based electronic duo Kayex had to turn to more unconventional methods, with lockdown measures in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. As such, the pair – Palassi Kailis and Tom Derickx – sent the song out to […]
Break-up albums occupy a distinct place in the pantheon of rock music. Entries from the likes of Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell and Beck rank among these artists’ finest releases. But you’d hardly call break-up albums a rite of passage – no one wants to write about the disintegration of an identity-sustaining relationship. This […]
Many of us can link a certain album to pivotal moments in our lives. Whether it’s the first record you bought with your own money, the chord you first learnt to play on guitar, the song that soundtracked your first kiss, the album that got you those awkward and painful pubescent years or the one […]
Lupa J has unveiled her raw new single ‘Limbo’ complete with a dystopian video clip featuring fellow Aussies No Frills Twins. The 22-year-old Aussie continues to emit an intensity and power in this latest release, which sees Lupa J combine cinematic pop and EDM sensibilities in compelling fashion. Following the release of recently double single […]
It’s day ‘whatever’ of the self-isolation era and if you’re anything like us here at Music Feeds you’re no doubt burning through peak TV, one binge at a time, trying to find a way to fill the gaping void left in your life by the absence of live heavy music. Well press pause on that […]