Gelb, Peter

The company seems to be using a long break as a reboot, with more vital, representative programming coming soon. Source

The nation’s largest performing arts organization, shut by the coronavirus pandemic, sends a chilling signal that American cultural life is still far from resuming. Source

The terms of the settlement between the renowned conductor and the company he shaped have not been previously disclosed. Source

On Saturday, Jonas Kaufmann was first in a series of 12 livestreamed recitals featuring Met stars. Tickets are $20. Source

As the industry rebuilds from the coronavirus pandemic, it must face long-simmering issues of representation. Source

Starting on July 18, 12 professionally shot recitals will be broadcast from idyllic locations around the world. The price of admission: $20. Source

The company’s orchestra offered prestige and job security. But the pandemic has upended hundreds of lives. Source

Many artists have not been paid since March at the company, which hopes to return on New Year’s Eve after its longest interruption in over a century. Source

With the company’s September opening in jeopardy, it will put 41 staff members on indefinite furlough and cut 11 others to part-time hours. Source

More than 40 artists will participate in the April 25 event, which comes as the company faces up to $60 million in losses because of the coronavirus pandemic. Source

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