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Hold onto your butts, society, because ‘sif 2020 wasn’t already enough of a dumpster fire of batshit fuckery, Kanye West has just made good on his threats from five years ago to run for President of the United States. Yes people, just when you thought this year couldn’t get an weirder, it seems #Preezy2020 is […]
The great COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has left many of us with a whole bunch of time on our hands. Some of us have utilised said time to upskill, while others have instead opted to simply sit back and binge the sh*t out of Netflix. Then there’s the music obsessives over on Reddit, who’ve made […]
Listen to how artists have explored what it means — and could mean — to be American. Source
Earl Cameron, who died aged 102, was one of the first black actors to star on screen in 1951. Source
The former Pulp man on his “alive album”, domestic discos, and embracing crowd surfing in his 50s. Source
Cambridge University accepts David Starkey’s resignation, saying: “We do not tolerate racism.” Source
Our chief classical critic took on the daunting Opus 110 in college, and now relishes risky recordings. Source
Sia has shared that she once stopped Maddie Ziegler from boarding a flight with convicted rapist, Harvey Weinstein. The story came up while Sia was a guest on the podcast the Zach Sang Show. “I kept her off a plane that Harvey Weinstein tried to get her on,” said Sia. “When he invited her, I […]
MTV Australia has launched four new music channels on Foxtel this week. MTV HITS, Club MTV, MTV Classic and CMT (Country Music Television) are all currently broadcasting on the Pay TV platform now. Which is a small consolation prize while we still grieve over the loss of everyone’s favourite childhood music channels: V, MAX, and […]