Dan Andrews Makes His Hottest 100 Debut And Advises Us All To Get On The Beers

Written by on 23 Ιανουαρίου 2021

If a politician making the triple j Hottest 100 doesn’t have huge 2020 energy, I don’t know what does.
Thanks to Mashd N Kutcher‘s slappin’ Get On The Beers mashup, Dan Andrews infamous March 2020 speech where he told Victorians they’d no longer be allowed to sink piss at home back has made his Hottest 100 debut at #12.

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Introducing the track on triple j right before the win was announced, he said to listeners “I want to congratulate Mashd N Kutcher for making it into the Hottest 100.”
“I haven’t heard a lot of their work, but this particular song? I’ve heard once or twice.”
Speaking to the track’s comedic nature, he said:
“I’m pleased to be in great company among other Hottest 100 novelty artists like Denis Leary, Adam Sandler, and Pauline Pantsdown. I think we can all agree their contributions have stood the test of time.”

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Adding his own little bit of comedy to the mix, Andrews declared the Hottest 100 un-hot.
“What’s clear is that now a politician has made the Hottest 100, this is probably going to be the last Hottest 100 – it’s no longer Hot.”
“I’m sorry to all the Gen-Xers out there who have to bid farewell to their most important annual cultural tradition.”
He ended the transmission by declaring that it is indeed, time to get on the beers.
“With our State at zero cases for the last few weeks, thanks to all the good work of both our contact tracing teams and every individual Victorian, I can now officially declare that it is time to get on the beers!”
It’s not the first political entry into the countdown, with Pauline Pantsdown nabbing two Hottest 100 hits in 1997 and 1998 with tracks ‘Backdoor Man’ and ‘I Don’t Like It’ which featured vocal samples of John Howard and Pauline Hanson.
Keep up with Music Feed’s live feed on the 2020 triple j Hottest 100 here.

The post Dan Andrews Makes His Hottest 100 Debut And Advises Us All To Get On The Beers appeared first on Music Feeds.


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