Dave Grohl Isn’t On The New QOTSA Album After All, Has Been “Riding Motorcycles And Eating Waffles” With Josh Homme
Written by A on 22 Αυγούστου 2019
Back in June, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top made some comments that seemed to imply Dave Grohl would be on the next Queens of the Stone Age record along with himself.
“Just one month ago I was making a record with Queens Of The Stone Age”, said Gibbons at the time. “Dave Grohl was also taking part.”
Now, however, Grohl has responded to the news and unfortunately put a pin in it, saying that, basically, he and Queens frontman Josh Homme are just being mates.
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In a new interview with NME, the Foo Fighters frontman puts the rumours to bed, saying “I’m not on the new Queens record. You know what Josh and I have been doing together? Riding motorcycles and eating waffles. That’s it. Let me tell you, it’s a fun morning. We’ve done it more than a few times and it’s pretty fucking great.”
So, it looks like Grohl and Homme’s relationship is personal for the time being – although Grohl did express a wish to collaborate with Homme again.
“I wish I was on the new Queens album. I fucking love playing with Josh. He’s one of my best friends, but at the moment it’s just motorcycles and waffles.”
Grohl last appeared on a Queens of the Stone Age album in 2013, providing drums and percussion on a number of tracks for …Like Clockwork.
The last Queens record was 2017’s Vultures.
The post Dave Grohl Isn’t On The New QOTSA Album After All, Has Been “Riding Motorcycles And Eating Waffles” With Josh Homme appeared first on Music Feeds.