‘Drive’ Host Veronica Milsom Has Announced Her Departure From Triple J

Written by on 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

With her second baby on the way, longtime triple j Drive host Veronica Milsom has announced she’s leaving the station; her final day of work being Friday, 21st February.
In a video posted to social media, Ron shares the news of her resignation to both the camera and an ostensibly unprepared co-host Lewis Hobba, hearing the news through triple j’s “state of the art soundproof glass” and freaking out in primo Lewis fashion.
“When I have my baby, I’m actually not going to be coming back to work at a triple j, which was a really tough decision to make because I really love working here,” explains Milsom of her decision to leave the broadcaster she’s presented on for nearly six years.
“The truth is it’s kind of hard being pregnant at triple j. Like, you’re not allowed any water in the studio, and my waters could go anywhere at any time,” Milsom jokes, adding that she’s finding it tough to pretend she parties quite as hard as she used to.
Milsom has co-hosted Drive alongside Hobba since 2014, and had nothing but kind parting words for her partner in crime.
“Honestly, it’s been nice working with Lewis.”
“Lots of people think he’s a really annoying total piece of shit, but the truth is he’s fairly normal,” she adds, Hobba mouthing “what the fuck?” in the background.
While it’s unclear at this stage what Hobba’s plans are for pushing ahead, it seems like we might be seeing a new face in the Drive chair next month.
Watch the announcement clip below.

Veronica’s leaving
It’s not you, it’s me…..
Posted by Veronica and Lewis on Thursday, January 30, 2020

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