For Fans Of: Northlane | Introducing: Melbourne’s Windwaker

Written by on 29 Μαΐου 2019

How do you discover new music? Here at Music Feeds, we’ve been trying to dream up a meaningful way to bring to your attention some of the incredibly talented artists who fill our inboxes with new music every day to the fans who’ll appreciate them most.
Enter ‘For Fans Of’: a new snack-sized series serving as your gateway drug to the freshest new music hitting the airwaves, soundclouds and YouTubes. Engineered to smack your eardrums right in the sweet spot.
Check out today’s ‘For Fans Of’ feature artist below.

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Feature Artist: Windwaker

For Fans Of: Northlane, In Hearts Wake, Emarosa, The Used
Hometown: Melbourne
Genre: Metalcore/djent/rock
The 411: This Melbourne band are having a DREAM year. They just unleashed their EP Empire after bagging the triple J Unearthed comp to play the Melbourne leg of Download Festival. They also recently signed on with Aussie booking agent New World Artists — home of Northlane, Hands Like Houses and In Hearts Wake — and are currently in the middle of an East Coast Australian headlining tour in celebration of their new EP.
Tour Dates:
Thursday, 30th May
Northcote Social, Melbourne 18+
Tickets: Official Website
Saturday, 8th June
Crowbar, Brisbane 18+
Tickets: Official Website
Our Review: Windwaker’s Empire is spellbindingly diverse in its sonic trajectory, veering from crushing, monolithic heavy passages to shimmering skyscraper choruses to hip-shaking, funk-laden grooves. Good songwriting underpins it all, as does earnest emotion. This EP is an absolut monster and every drop of hype surrounding this band is thoroughly deserved.
Follow: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram |Triple J Unearthed | Spotify

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