Frances Bean Cobain Shares “Raw And Truthful” New Music On Instagram
Written by A on 20 Ιουνίου 2019
Frances Bean Cobain has been sharing her songs with her Instagram followers for some time now. The better part of a year to be exact.
In a 2018 interview at the Daily Front Row Fashion Awards, Cobain talked about her relationship with music and her aspirations as a musician.
“I don’t want to pigeonhole myself and say I am a musician or a visual artist because I feel like it’s all encompassing and I feel like every bit of my art is related to the other,”she said. “So do I want to pursue my music further and see it come to fruition and see something further and see something palpable? Absolutely.”
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She’s now teased another new song via the social media platform with two videos of herself singing and playing the guitar.
The caption of the video warns that “these are clips of a very sad song but it’s raw and truthful so i wanted to share it [sic].”
There’s no explicit mention of her later father, Kurt Cobain, in the lyrics, but as SPIN point out, the nature of the content certainly alludes to the song being about him, particularly in lyrics like “Maybe one day I will talk to you / If I’m lucky it won’t be too soon.”
She closes the caption saying that “Music is coming soonish” and thanking her followers for “the continued interest and words of encouragement.” She added, “I see them all and they make my heart full.”
Those lending support for her in the comments section of the post include My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way who said “Beautiful. You sound so good. So proud to watch you go on this journey, sharing your art.”
Check it out below.
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be forewarned , these are clips of a very sad song but it’s raw and truthful so i wanted to share it. I know you weren’t meant to stay in this place Sometimes I find it hard to look at My own face Maybe one day I will talk to you If I’m lucky it won’t be too soon They say I’m soft and resemble an Angel What happens to angels When they die Music coming soonish y’all. thanks for the continued interest and words of encouragement. I see them all and they make my heart full
A post shared by Frances Bean Cobain (@thespacewitch) on Jun 18, 2019 at 8:33pm PDT
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