Hear Korn’s Heavy, Schizophrenic New Track ‘Cold’

Written by on 4 Αυγούστου 2019

Your friendly neighbourhood Korn have just unleashed a new kernel of nu-metal dubbed ‘Cold’, the latest track from their forthcoming 13th studio album, The Nothing.
The schizophrenic track veers between chaotic heaviness and a big, melodic chorus.
The tune also comes packing a lyric video jammed full of goth goodness including ghosts and a spooky dungeon.

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It’s the second song that Jonathan Davis & co have released from their upcoming new album, the first being the industrial grooving ‘You’ll Never Find Me’.
Check out their freshie ‘Cold’ below.

The post Hear Korn’s Heavy, Schizophrenic New Track ‘Cold’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

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