Melbourne Zoo Twilights 2020 Dates & First Act Announced

Written by on 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

The Melbourne Zoo Twilights summer concert series is back in action for 2020, with organisers today unveiling the first glimpse of next year’s undoubtedly epic program.
Running each weekend from 24th January to 7th March, the program will — as always — showcase some of the most incredible musical talents from Australia and across the globe… with the secret identity of one of them already being unmasked!
Music legend Randy Newman will be coming down under to perform his classic songbook under the stars, including Toy Story film series, A Bug’s Life and Monsters Inc, as well as material from his critically acclaimed 2017 album, Dark Matter.

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The multi Grammy, Emmy and Academy award winner will bring his acclaimed An Evening With Randy Newman show to the zoo’s lush lawns, raising money for a very important cause in the process.
As always, all proceeds from the 2020 Zoo Twilights program will go towards the zoo’s conservation initiatives. This year, it’s ensuring the survival of the adorable, but critically endangered, Mountain Pygmy-possum.
With just 2,000 Mountain Pygmy-possums remaining in the wild, the species is at risk after its main food source, the migrating Bogong Moth, failed to appear in the possum’s Victorian Alps home for the second year.
Last year’s Twilights saw the likes of Hanson, Daryl Braithwaite, Vera Blue and more perform under the stars to help raise funds for the zoo’s important conservation efforts.
Stay tuned to Music Feeds when the full lineup drops on 16th October!
But for now, you can catch all the details for Melbourne Zoo Twilights 2020 that we know so far, below.

Melbourne Zoo Twilights 2020 Lineup
Randy Newman (Saturday, 1st February)
+ more to be announced
Melbourne Zoo Twilights 2020
Pre-sale access will be available on Wednesday, 16th October at 8am (AEDT) 
Tickets on sale Tuesday 22nd October at 8am (AEDT) 
Friday, 24th January – Saturday, 7th March
Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne
Tickets: Official Website
The post Melbourne Zoo Twilights 2020 Dates & First Act Announced appeared first on Music Feeds.

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