NSW Police: Mountain Sounds Festival Provided Inaccurate Information
Written by A on 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Yesterday, Central coast event Mountain Sounds Festival announced the cancellation of their 2019 event, citing pressure from NSW Police. However, Music Feeds has since obtained a statement from NSW police suggesting otherwise.
In their statement announcing the cancellation, organisers behind the event accused NSW Police of placing addition conditions on the event, and further financial obligations which organisers state “were impossible to meet.” The organisers statement goes on to reveal more details of the additional obligations, including a payment of “$200,000 for 45 user pay police on a 24 hour cycle”
Since news of the cancellation, Music Feeds has received a statement from NSW Police offering a different version of events, placing the blame back on organisers: “In this instance, the information initially provided to police did not accurately reflect the number of expected attendees and revealed numerous breaches.”
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NSW Police confirm that organisers decided to cancel the event because financial reasons associated with the festival.
“At no time did police or government direct the organisers to cancel the event.” Read the full statement below.
More as it comes.
“NSW police work closely with all event organisers to ensure public safety.
In this instance, the information initially provided to police did not accurately reflect the number of expected attendees and revealed numerous breaches.
The event organisers decided to cancel the festival based on financial reasons associated with the event.
At no time did police or government direct the organisers to cancel the event.
As of 1 March 2019, these matters will be regulated by Liquor & Gaming NSW.”
The post NSW Police: Mountain Sounds Festival Provided Inaccurate Information appeared first on Music Feeds.