Peking Duk Call To “Vote Out” Gladys Berejiklian & Liberal Party After Mountain Sounds Cancellation
Written by A on 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Peking Duk are certainly not pulling any punches when it comes to letting their feelings known about Mountain Sounds’ seemingly sudden cancellation, releasing a pretty scathing post on Facebook calling for fans to vote out Gladys Berejiklian and the Liberal party.
In a long post, the boys wrote “it breaks our heart to say the NSW Government has well and truly crossed the line.”
“By introducing a $200,000 “police and safety” fee, an extortionate 1250% increase in which last year was only $16,000 just ONE WEEK out from the festival doors open, NSW Gov. has decided to kill Mountain Sounds Festival,” the statement continued.
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“Gladys get your head out of the sand, your policies and viewpoints need a reality check,” they wrote. “We don’t force roads to close because of road fatalities, we don’t ban alcohol due to (much higher) deaths from alcohol, we don’t shut down casino’s because of the trauma and grief they cause to the addicted. So why are you targeting music festivals like this? Why are you targeting the events that give so much back to the community?”
“If music, creativity, culture, economy and enjoyment of life itself is important to you, then please…DO NOT vote Liberal. They started with killing our venues and now they are setting fire to our festivals. When there’s no music left it’ll be too late to say something.”
“Vote. Gladys & Liberal. Out.”
The band incorrectly implied that the NSW state election is in two weeks, when it is actually on Saturday, 23rd March.
The pill testing debate – the source of a lot of this drama – continues to rage on, as a growing amount of people are calling for the government to legalise the process.
Read Peking Duk’s full post below.
The post Peking Duk Call To “Vote Out” Gladys Berejiklian & Liberal Party After Mountain Sounds Cancellation appeared first on Music Feeds.