Plot Twist: The Offspring Reckon The Living End Should Win The ’98 Hottest 100 Re-Do

Written by on 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

In a major plot twist, The Offspring have now personally weighed in on Double J‘s bold move to allow listeners to re-vote the controversial Hottest 100 of 1998.
ICYMI: to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the countdown — which sparked a backlash that echoed through the ages due to ‘Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)’ taking out the winning spot — triple J‘s older sister station announced the unprecedented move of letting listeners re-vote the whole damn thing.
Shortly after the station’s announcement, a petition was launched by angry punters in a bid to ensure The Offspring retained their rightful place at number #1.

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But now, The Offspring themselves have weighed in, and they reckon a song by The Living End should get the top honours the second time around.
“We totally get it. Our song may have been played a time or two too many,” the punk legends posted on Facebook.
“So let’s fix this historical error by voting for The Living End’s ‘Save The Day’ as the #1 song of 1998. They had 3 songs in the top 20 that year. They earned it!”
‘Save The Day’ originally came in at #10 in the ’98 countdown, while TLE’s other tracks ‘Tainted Love’ and ‘Second Solution’ came in at #15 and #17 respectively.
FYI voting in the re-do won’t work in the same way we’re used to voting for Hottest 100 countdowns. As opposed to the ten songs you get usually, you only get one vote. Yep, just one and you cannot undo it. On top of that, you only get to vote for the 100 songs that made the original countdown.
Voting closes on Monday, 4th February and Zan Rowe will be counting down the top 10 votes on Wednesday, 6th February from 9am on Double J.
In case you missed it, the 2018 Hottest 100 aired last week, with Sydney band Ocean Alley taking out the number one spot with ‘Confidence.’

The post Plot Twist: The Offspring Reckon The Living End Should Win The ’98 Hottest 100 Re-Do appeared first on Music Feeds.

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