PREMIERE: Sannia Returns With Arresting New Singles ‘Better’ And ‘Daylight’
Written by A on 12 Αυγούστου 2019
Melbourne singer-songwriter Sannia first caught our attention last year with debut single ‘Go and Get Over’, a slow-burning meditation on grieving, processing and moving on from a relationship ending.
Now, the musician has returned with singles ‘Better’ and ‘Daylight’, retaining the emotion of her previous single while introducing bigger, bolder – and somewhat more upbeat – sonic territory.
Lyrically the tracks approach familiar themes from new angles, with the artist explaining that ‘Daylight’ concerns a “semi-inebriated epiphany that [she] was head over heels for someone close to me,” simultaneously realising in the moment that they didn’t feel the same way. “Like two ships passing in the night, or maybe a ship and a rowboat in my case,” she adds.
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‘Better’, meanwhile, began with a single drum loop. “I really wanted to push myself to write something bigger and more up-beat than my usual style and just wrote a melody to the drum loop with no chords or harmony,” Sannia says about the track.
“It just sort of existed on a hard drive for a while until the chorus just sort of appeared in my brain like a headache and then within a few hours the rest of the song was there.”
Sannia will be performing a pair of shows to launch the singles, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney.
Listen to ‘Better’ and ‘Daylight’ – and check out launch show dates – below.
Sannia ‘Better’ and ‘Daylight’ Double Single Release Launch Shows
Thursday, 12th September
Workers Club, Melbourne
Tickets: Oztix
Saturday, 14th September
Golden Age Cinema, Sydney
Tickets: Golden Age
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