Presidential Hopeful Beto O’Rourke Says He Wants To Reunite The Mars Volta

Written by on 23 Μαρτίου 2019

As far as policies go, this one is a real doozy. The US 2020 Presidential Race has kicked into full gear, and Democratic contender Beto O’Rourke has brought out the idea of having The Mars Volta play along his campaign or, should it come to that, in his potential presidency.
To be fair, this isn’t completely random. O’Rourke actually used to play in a band with Cedric Bixler-Zavala who, of course, went on to front The Mars Volta as well as At The Drive In. So, if anyone has the connects to make this happen, O’Rourke does.
According to The Metal Injection, O’Rourke said, at a recent campaign stop, that he would be chuffed to have the band involved  in some respect.

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“It would be an honour to have the Mars Volta play anything along the campaign or in this presidency,” he said.
Obviously, that anchors on whether the band would actually reunite at all, which isn’t too much of a pipe dream. Last year, Bixler-Zavala said on Twitter that the band “would be back soon” after a fan proclaimed their love for them.

The post Presidential Hopeful Beto O’Rourke Says He Wants To Reunite The Mars Volta appeared first on Music Feeds.

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