Sigur Ros Have Just Released A Bunch Of New Music

Written by on 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Everyone’s fave Icelandic tearjerkers Sigur Ros have just released a whole stack of new music, via their experimental playlist Liminal.
Liminal was made available to the public back in May, and this latest addition to the playlist is their third update and boy does it bring the experimental goodness.
The playlist extends to three hours long now, and features a whole array of Sigur Ros material and only Sigur Ros material, setting it apart from the last two hours where their material was mixed in with that of others. According to a press release given to Consequence of Sound, some of these tracks will basically form the foundation of their next project Tónandi.

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The instalment was premiered at an event in LA last night, which was live streamed and you can view it below.

The post Sigur Ros Have Just Released A Bunch Of New Music appeared first on Music Feeds.

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