Sleater-Kinney Share First New Song Since 2015, Sign With Milk! Records
Written by A on 30 Μαΐου 2019
It doesn’t get much better than new music from Sleater-Kinney, unless perhaps if Annie Clark (aka St. Vincent) were to produce that music. Luckily, that’s exactly what we’ve got today with ‘Hurry On Home’, the new single from the celebrated punk trio and the first taste of their forthcoming, Clark-produced album.
The blistering, layered track is the first new music from their 2015 reunion album No Cities To Love, and if it’s any indication of what’s to come it’s looking pretty good.
“I think for Carrie [Brownstein] and Corin [Tucker] it was liberating to explore a different sound palette,” says drummer Janet Weiss of the band’s new music. Brownstein says that rather than simply going into the studio to document songs, they went in “to explore and to find the essence of something. To dig deeper.”
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There’s good news for us Australian fans, the single and record will be released locally through Milk! Records.
Listen to ‘Hurry On Home’ and watch the lyric video below. There’s no news yet on a release date for the new album, but keep your eyes peeled.
The post Sleater-Kinney Share First New Song Since 2015, Sign With Milk! Records appeared first on Music Feeds.