Slipknot Frontman Corey Taylor Says The Band Could Continue Without Him If He “Couldn’t Do It Anymore”
Written by A on 25 Ιουλίου 2019
It’s hard to think of Slipknot without thinking of vocalist Corey Taylor. Over the band’s two-decade career, he’s largely been the face (albeit, the masked one) of the Iowa heavy metal act.
However, as Louder reports, in a new interview with Metal Hammer, the frontman reveals that if he ever decided to hang up the mask, the band could continue with someone new in his stead.
Looking back on the band’s 20+ year career, and acknowledging the increased strain as the band has progressed, Taylor told the magazine “It’s crossed my mind as the years have gone on. It’s gotten harder to do this. You think about when the end is. No one thought we’d be doing it 20 years later.”
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Taylor goes on to say that if he simply couldn’t keep going, he’d step away. “But that doesn’t mean that the band would stop,” he clarifies. “If I can’t do it then someone might be able to take my place.”
“I’ve thought about it before: If the right person came around and the guys were into it then I’ll just head off. We can’t shortchange anyone.”
When asked what he thinks the 1999 version of the band would feel if they could see themselves now, he says they’d be “blown away” that they’re pushed forward after all these years. “They would look at us now and be thrilled that we kept it alive. Vital, poignant, insane.”
“Everything we went through, the tragedy and the drama, and we kept the band’s spirit alive. We never watered anything down, we never tried to do anything that didn’t feel right.
“That’s the whole point of Slipknot: to do whatever you want but to do it at 100mph.”
Slipknot began in 1995, releasing their debut, self-titled studio album in 1999. Their sixth studio album, We Are Not Your Kind, is set for a Friday, 9th August release. Just days ago, the band released the new single ‘Solway Firth’, which you can check out below.
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