The Raconteurs (AKA The Saboteurs) Announce New Album ‘Help Us Stranger’
Written by A on 3 Απριλίου 2019
Big news for fans of Jack White and The Raconteurs (or Saboteurs). The band has finally announced their first album in over a decade, and it’s called Help Us Stranger.
The first album from the band since 2008, it features previously released tracks ‘Sunday Driver’ and ‘Now That You’re Gone.’ White had announced that the band had finished the album during mid-March.
Unfortunately, the new album won’t be out in time for the band’s performance at Bluesfest, happening this month, but it’s likely we can expect them to perform a whole bunch of new tracks while they take on the iconic festival.
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White and Brendan Benson wrote the entirety of the album, and it also features contributions from the likes of Queens Of The Stone Age’s Dean Fertita.
Help Us Stranger is out Friday, 21st June via Third Man Records.
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