The Wiggles Take On Tame Impala’s ‘Elephant’ For Triple J Like A Version
Written by A on 5 Μαρτίου 2021
The moment we’ve all been waiting on has finally arrived. The Wiggles have blessed triple j’s Like A Version studio, and our ears, with their very own Like A Version.
To make things even better they’ve taken on one of the nation’s finest, Tame Impala. And a Tame Impala classic at that.
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Borrowing from the band’s second studio album Lonerism, The Wiggles have delivered a fine ‘Elephant’ cover.
The cover stays true to that alt-rock, psych vibe in the original except with the absolutely welcome dispersing of ‘Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy’ throughout.
It’s a mashup and a half. Also, the harmonies are a delight.
Of course, in typical Like A Version fashion, The Wiggles performed an original song too.
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You can catch ‘We’re All Fruit Salad’ below, along with the ‘Elephant’ cover, and their Behind the Like A Version interview.
The post The Wiggles Take On Tame Impala’s ‘Elephant’ For Triple J Like A Version appeared first on Music Feeds.