There’s A Petition To Name That Black Hole After Chris Cornell

Written by on 13 Απριλίου 2019

So we all know that photo – the very first photo, actually – of a black hole that went completely viral earlier this week. Well, now, there’s a petition circulating to get the black home named after late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell.
Of course, one of Soundgarden’s most popular songs is ‘Black Hole Sun’ so it would be a pretty awesome and very fitting tribute for the music legend.
The petition appears on and was started by Giuliana Jarrin.

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Jarrin writes “Almost two years ago, we lost Chris Cornell.”
“His music, his voice and his personality inspired, influenced, changed and even saved the lives of thousands of people. Chris left a heavy legacy for a new generation of musicians who follow in his footsteps. His memory will remain forever alive in the hearts of all his family, friends, fans and all the people who love him, and his music will do the same in each record, song or video we play.”
“‘Black Hole Sun’, written by Chris Cornell. is without a doubt Soundgarden’s most recognizable and most popular songs, and one of the biggest anthems of the 90’s,” Jarrin continues.
“For this reason, and the impact Chris Cornell had in the lives of so many and music itself, I ask NASA, the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration and all the astronomers and scientists involved in this discovery, to name this black hole after Chris Cornell. This would be a “surreal” and amazing way to honor his life and his contribution to music.”
You can sign the petition, that has over 17,000 signatures at the time of writing, here.

The post There’s A Petition To Name That Black Hole After Chris Cornell appeared first on Music Feeds.

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