This “High Risk” NSW Festival Wants You To Help Them Take Legal Action Against The Government
Written by A on 14 Μαρτίου 2019
The battle between NSW’s music festivals and the state government is heating up, as “high risk” festival Days Like This is now looking to take legal action against Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her government.
In case you’ve been sleeping under a very large boulder, the Berejiklian released a list of “high risk” festivals that would come under more intense regulation and Days Like This was one of those festivals.
However, pretty much every NSW festival has called these regulations poorly planned and ill thought-out, and Days Like This says that the classification had a negative impact on their event.
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In a new GoFundMe page started by the company that runs the festival, Division Agency, it says the festival had “no major incidents” when it took place this past Saturday but the requirements placed on them by the government have impacted the event severely.
“Being categorised as a ‘High Risk’ festival despite having much better safety, experience and event planning record than many other high-profile festivals which were not listed has had a catastrophic effect on both our reputation and ticket sales for this year’s event,” a statement on the page reads.
“Not only were ticket sales down by almost 50%, the resources that needed to be implemented were excessive for an event that has never experienced a major incident during its three years of operation.
The statement also expresses the importance of music festivals in society, and how the organisers feel the government is just trying to destroy them.
“We have all worked tirelessly and will not sit idly by and accept what is going on as the government systematically tries to destroy an industry we all love so much,” the statement reads.
“Music Festivals are a place to enjoy the music we love safely. A place to get together with friends to dance and laugh. They give us an opportunity to share new music, new experiences and make new friendships.”
The purpose of the GoFundMe is to help the organisers raise money so they can properly take the Berejiklian government to court. At the time of writing, the campaign has raised just under $15,000. You can donate here.
The post This “High Risk” NSW Festival Wants You To Help Them Take Legal Action Against The Government appeared first on Music Feeds.