Tinder Are Launching Their “Festival Mode” In Australia At This Year’s Splendour In The Grass
Written by A on 30 Μαΐου 2019
Let’s face it, music taste is often kind of a deal-breaker; finding out your date’s preferred playlist differs drastically from your own can be a downright nightmare.
The folks at Tinder have come up with a solution, with their new “Festival Mode” allowing you to swipe right and have a chat with someone just as fond of, say, British math-rock as you are.
The feature will debut in Australia at this year’s Splendour In The Grass. The way it works is that if you’re a Splendour attendee, you’ll be able to add a Splendour badge to your Tinder profile and start matching and chatting with fellow festival-goers. The feature goes live weeks before you set foot on the North Byron festival grounds, so you can start planning your festival hook-up(s) well in advance. Tinder and Splendour note that the badge also symbolises an expectation of respect when chatting.
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“Splendour is a rite of passage for Young Australians, making it the perfect playground to launch Festival Mode,” says Country Manager of Tinder Australia Kristen Hardeman. “With this feature, we are redefining the festival experience by enabling our users to make new connections before even stepping through the turnstiles and pitching their tents. We’re pumped to be partnering with Splendour In The Grass and are excited to see how Tinder’s new feature helps people find their crowd this winter.”
The feature will begin rolling out on Tinder in Australia in a few weeks on June 21.
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