Toto’s ‘Africa’ To Play For Eternity Down In Africa, Thanks To Art Installation
Written by A on 16 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Toto‘s beloved 1982 hit ‘Africa’ will forever play down in Africa (we hope), thanks to a new art installation by artist Max Siedentopf.
The Namibian creative’s latest project, dubbed ‘Toto Forever’, is designed to play the song on loop “for all eternity” in the African desert.
“Set in the Namib desert, which is not only the oldest desert in Africa but the world, I set up a sound installation which pays tribute to probably the most popular song of the last four decades: Toto – ‘Africa’,” Siedentopf says.
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“The sound installation consists of six speakers which are attached to an MP3 player that only has one song on it – Toto’s ‘Africa’. The song is put on loop and the installation runs on solar batteries to keep Toto going for all eternity.”
As for the project’s durability, Siedentopf told the BBC, “Most parts of the installation were chosen to be as durable as possible, but I’m sure the harsh environment of the desert will devour the installation eventually.”
The installation’s exact location hasn’t been publicised, with Siedentopf only confirming it is somewhere along the 2,000 kilometre stretch of coastal desert.
Watch the installation in all its glory in the videos below.
This is far from the first time ‘Africa’ has been played on a ridiculously long loop. A UK music venue promised to play it on loop for five hours last year, but ended up doing it for 12.
Toto last performed in Australia as part of the latest Falls Festival lineup, which many people were very happy about.
The band are yet to comment on Max Siedentopf’s amazing installation.
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