Watch Limp Bizkit Cover Nirvana’s ‘Heart Shaped Box’ With Marilyn Manson

Written by on 7 Μαρτίου 2019

Like some sort of wild fever dream, Limp Bizkit has performed a cover of Nirvana‘s classic ‘Heart Shaped Box’ with the help of Marilyn Manson holding an umbrella with a giant middle finger on it.
ICYMI, Limp Bizkit played a show in LA last night for three measly dollars. Turns out three dollars can get you a lot these days, as just about everyone who is anyone in 90’s rock was there.
Both Marilyn Manson and Billy Corgan were in attendance, and Durst made his way up to the balcony where they were watching and enlisted them to help him out with the cover of the Nirvana classic.

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“I’m just hanging out up here with Billy Corgan and Marilyn Manson — real songwriters!” he said.
On top of all that, Bizkit proceeded to keep the covers going with a medley of some bloody classics – Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believin’, Pantera’s ‘Mouth For War’, Green Day’s ‘Brain Stew’, Metallica’s ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ and George Michael’s ‘Faith’.
Watch some clips below.


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this 3 dollar show far exceeded my expectations… the band covered heart shaped box while fred sang it with marilyn manson as billy corgan and mike muir watched… also david fincher was sitting behind me. #LimpBizkit #Art
A post shared by Julius Ritter (@clashact) on Mar 6, 2019 at 12:19am PST

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